Having the privilege of witnessing the birth of all eight of my children, I know that when you see something like that, there is something of a rebirth that happens in the observer as well.
Perhaps it has something to do with being so close to the source of life that some of that new life overflows onto you. At least I imagine it to be like that.
Now that my children are older (the youngest is going on ten), I feel like I'm getting further away from the source. Thankfully, God has given me 3 grandchildren who occasionally pour themselves on me, giving me a taste of new life.
As I pondered this amazing process, I realized that our life in Christ is much the same. While Jesus is the fountain of life, himself, from which we must continually draw, there is something about the new birth experience that affects all those involved. Whether we are the instrument God uses to lead a new believer to Jesus, or an observer, or even if we only meet up with one recently converted, you almost can't help but get some new life on you!
And isn't that God's design? Didn't he plan for us, indeed command us, to "be about his business" not only for the benefit of the lost, but also that our faith would remain new, and our lights burning bright? Is there anything that makes us feel more alive than to be near when a "newborn" soul bursts forth into life?
We tend to look at the Scripture's teaching that the "older should teach the younger" and come to the conclusion that the younger have little to give. However, I believe they are intimately involved in OUR salvation experience. Were it not for their new life, and the hope for the future it brings, what would be our incentive for staying alive? Would a farmer continue to sow seed if it were not for the tender sprouts that spring forth from the ground, eventually yielding a harvest?
It's natural for the zeal that we initially experience after our own conversion to wane, and for the "newness of life" to begin aging. But God's plan is for us to share the water of life with thirsty souls, and in the process revitalize and refresh our own drying souls.
Some of you will remember the days of the hand pumps where you needed to save a small portion of water to be used for priming the pump. Without this small reserve, the vast amount of cool, refreshing water just below the surface could not be utilized.
If you are experiencing dryness in your Christian life, perhaps what you need is the priming influence of a newborn soul, whose water may be in short supply, but is right on the surface and overflowing. With it you will be able to tap into the deep well of water in your own heart, revitalizing your parched soul, and spilling over into a river of life.
Timely, my dear. Very timely.
ReplyDeleteThat is a wonderful, inspiring post!
ReplyDeleteLove so unending, I'll sing His praises,
ReplyDeleteGod loves His children, loves even me!
What a surprise that God had planned for us. When I wrote this, I had no idea that my own son, Micah, would give his heart to the Lord 7 hours after I posted it, and that I would have the privilege of hearing his confession!
I'm pretty sure I was close enough to get some new life splashed on me!