Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Are you experiencing a trial so difficult that you wonder how the world can keep turning while your life is turned upside down? Perhaps you have lost a loved one, been diagnosed with a terminal illness, divorced your spouse, lost a job, are facing financial ruin, or are just feeling alone. And, yet, the world keeps turning. The sun rises and sets, the flowers bloom, rivers flow, birds sing, people laugh and rush through their lives as though nothing is wrong. You are sure that if God cared about your situation, he would bring all this to a halt, at least until you have regained your equilibrium.
However, God's design is to comfort you by allowing everything to continue as always. In the midst of your chaos, his personal message to you is, "Peace, be still. I am still on the throne. Though you are shaken, I am not. I will hold you until this passes, and it WILL pass. Joy will return. Peace, be still."

1 comment:

  1. See, your calling this site "Lower Light" absolutely threw me when I first came onto the site. This isn't lower light stuff! This is laced with beautiful georgeous light!

    Yes, I've been in the midst of a two year "drought" in my thinking... in my writing. We've been hit with losing family, medical issues, and financial chaos that seems so unfair at times, but which I've always known there was a reason for.

    We never quite know where God is taking us. As I child I had absolute faith, but as I learned to walk, He allowed me to make my mistakes (and some have been doozies!) But He is always there.

    I'd like to share a writing with you in a more appropriate venue... probably an email. I have received two responses in two days so far on this particular writing, and I think that I would love to share it with you. It reminds me of what you are saying in this blog to me!

    I'm so honored to have found your writings!
