Are you experiencing a trial so difficult that you wonder how the world can keep turning while your life is turned upside down? Perhaps you have lost a loved one, been diagnosed with a terminal illness, divorced your spouse, lost a job, are facing financial ruin, or are just feeling alone. And, yet, the world keeps turning. The sun rises and sets, the flowers bloom, rivers flow, birds sing, people laugh and rush through their lives as though nothing is wrong. You are sure that if God cared about your situation, he would bring all this to a halt, at least until you have regained your equilibrium.
However, God's design is to comfort you by allowing everything to continue as always. In the midst of your chaos, his personal message to you is, "Peace, be still. I am still on the throne. Though you are shaken, I am not. I will hold you until this passes, and it WILL pass. Joy will return. Peace, be still."